Through the General Data Protection Regulation Policy (GDPR) applicable in the European economic area and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and to support publishers in meeting their duties under this policy, Teads inApp SDK offers different ways to provide the user consent during the ad server request.

CMP IAB Compliant

If you have a consent management platform (CMP) compliant with the IAB GDPR specifications
and IAB CCPA specifications, good news,
Teads inApp SDK is able to recover the user status and consent by itself through the iOS UserDefaults / Andriod SharedPreferences.



Make sure that IABConsent_SubjectToGDPR and IABConsent_ConsentString are correctly implemented.


Make sure all these keys are correctly implemented:

  • IABTCF_gdprApplies
  • IABTCF_TCString
  • IABTCF_PolicyVersion


Make sure that IABUSPrivacy_String is correctly implemented.

CMP Non IAB Compliant

If your CMP is not IAB compliant (or not installed), you'll need to manually provide the status and user consent at every load of an Ad.


Use the userConsent method in the TeadsAdPlacementSettings Builder.


The param subjectToGDPR should be:

  • 1 if the traffic or the publisher is in the EEA (European Economic Area),
  • 0 if it is not, null if it's unknown.
TeadsAdPlacementSettings placementSettings = TeadsAdPlacementSettings();
await placementSettings.userConsent(subjectToGDPR: String, consent: String, tcfVersion?: number, cmpSdkId?: number)


Use the setUsPrivacy method on the TeadsAdPlacementSettings to add consent :

TeadsAdPlacementSettings placementSettings = TeadsAdPlacementSettings();
await placementSettings.setUsPrivacy(consent: String)